How Effective Is Water Cooling For Gaming PCs
Whether you are using a computer for gaming or some other purpose, you would notice that it generates heat on prolonged usage. The conventional air cooling technology may not be enough to deal with high temperatures resulting from high-speed processing these days. The innovative water cooling technology brings a feasible solution for this problem with modern gaming PCs. More and more people are investing in Custom Gaming PC that uses this technology because it is highly effective for maintaining an optimal temperature of the system.
Benefits Of Water Cooling Technology
When it comes to a choice between the conventional fan cooling and water cooling technology for your PC, the latter definitely makes a better option:
- Water is far more capable of reducing the temperature as compared to air because of its high thermal conductivity.
- The technology is suitable for resource-intensive tasks such as gaming and video editing. These tasks involve greater load on the components, which cause high temperatures. A Custom Gaming Desktop fitted with water cooling components is better equipped to deal with performance demands and heavy workload.
- Water cooled PCs are quieter as compared to those which use fans to bring down the system temperatures.
- The technology gives your system a futuristic look.
Basics of PC Water Cooling Technology
This technology is similar to that used in a car radiator. Water is run over each of the computer components so that it dissipates heat, absorbing it from the heated parts and lowering their temperature in the process. The entire computer hardware, including the processor and graphics cards, reach an optimal temperature and their performance improves. You can avail this technology by purchasing computer water cooling kits online or from stores. Here are the basic components of these cooling kits:
Waterblock: A water block is a block which is mounted on the computer hardware that has to be cooled (processor, graphics card, or any other component).
Radiator And Fans: The main component of a PC cooling system, is the radiator. Along with the fans attached to it, the radiator performs the function of cooling the water as it flows through the loop. Radiators come in various sizes, with the larger ones being more effective.
Reservoir: As the name suggests, the reservoir holds the water that circulates in the loop for cooling the system.
Pump: The function of the pump is to pump the water for circulation in the cooling loop. It is attached to the reservoir.
Fittings: Fittings are used to connect the basic components in the loop with each other. The water block, reservoirs are radiator have two fittings each.
Tubing: Tubings are used to connect the components with each other. They come in diverse shapes and colours. But you have to make sure that they have the right diameter (same as the outer diameter of the fittings) to give a snug fit.
All these parts can be bought separately and assembled together. The other option is to have a Custom Built Computers assembled from stores or online sellers. Whichever way you do it, a PC water cooling kit can enhance the performance of your gaming PC to a great extent.
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